Blue Lace Agate Bead Bracelet
This bead bracelet has 10mm light blue lace agate beads along with two silver hematite beads, silver center bali bead, silver and hematite spacers along with a Vishuddha chakra charm or no pendant. According to ancient yoga teachings, the body has 7 main energy centers which process our emotions known as the chakras.
Silver Vishuddha Charm Bracelet
The word "chakra” means wheel or energy vortex. Each chakra resides in the astral spine extending from the base to the crown of the brain. From the base to the top the chakras are the Muladhara, Svadhishthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha, Ajna & Sahasrara.Light Blue Throat Chakra Bracelet
Visuddha chakra is associated with ether. You can conceptualize it as a spaciousness around your throat and neck through which profound spiritual truths can flow. The purification aspect implies that in order to fully tap into the power of the visuddha chakra you need to have done a certain amount of work in the other energy centers. In other words, have you addressed the issues associated with chakras 1–4 yet? This will increase your understanding and sensitivity, which will in turn gain you deeper access to the gifts of the more subtle upper chakras.
This energy center is associated with your voice. It relates to your ability to speak your truth, express ideas clearly, truthfully, and gracefully, and become harmoniously attuned to both inner and outer vibrations.
When the throat chakra is out of alignment, you may feel like you don’t know how to ask for what you need and feel unable to shape the world you want to create. Poor communication is the result.
The visuddha chakra bridges the heart and the mind. When that space is clear, it integrates the wisdom of both, allowing profound spiritual truths to flow freely. You will be able to effectively communicate your needs, desires, creative ideas, boundaries, empathy, and love.
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